Standard activities
The Walcie (The activity committee within Boreas) hosts multiple standard activities yearly to ensure that members will keep improving the bond between each other and with the association.
Below you can find the most popular activities and a short description of what you can expect from them.
Intro weekends
For people interested in sailing or Boreas itself, there are two intro weekends organized in September and April. These weekends are meant to get to know Boreas and its members and have a fun weekend of sailing experiences, whether you have been sailing all your life or never stepped on a boat before.
And of course, to become a member!

Themed drinks
Besides our standard activities, we also organize themed drinks, ensuring that there is always something new and exciting to look forward to, such as our Halloween drink in November or the carneval drink in February.
Do you have any good idea’s?
Sailing weekends
From March until October, Boreas organizes sailing weekends that take place once a month from Friday evening until Sunday evening. In addition to these weekends organized by us, there are a few other weekends and competitions organized by our sister associations that Boreas joins as much as possible if you are intrested.
Not something you want to miss!

Dies Dinner
Every year on the 10th of October, it’s Boreas’s birthday!! And of course, this needs to be celebrated. We organize an amazing three-course dinner at a restaurant, and many old members return for this special occasion. Besides the dinner, there are many speeches with the goal to turn the food cold 🙂
Become a member or send us an email!
Sint mossol
The name ‘Sint Mossel’ originates from having mossols as dinner before our yearly activity with ‘Sinterklaas’ as the theme. Everyone brings two small gifts with a small poem included. During the evening, these gifts are exchanged with the help of a game, and of course, drinks and ‘pepernoten’ cannot be missed!

The Mid-winter BBQ
The mid-winter BBQ is held every year in January with ‘ESMC, De Asfalthappertjes’ and ‘ZES’. In addition to the BBQ, the boards and any other brave people will do a New Year’s dive in the canal as well.
It’s a great start to the new year!
Christmas dinner
Every year, Christmas comes around, and of course, this needs to be celebrated. Expect an evening filled with laughter, good company, and a dinner that will make your taste buds do the happy dance because this will be a combined cooking effort of all.

Theory course
The course is given once a year and it is intended to increase knowledge about sailing within the association. The course provides both the theory course and the exam. Everyone is welcome to attend the theory course, including members and non-members, experienced and novice sailors. To ensure the quality of the theory course, the classes are conducted in Dutch.